Szigetvári "Zrínyi 1566" Turisztikai Egyesület


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June 02. 2016
The Zrínyi memorial ceremony and the war games are one of the oldest traditions in the country and it is much more than a conventional festival. It creates an atmosphere where the visitors of the event can worthily think that the wheel of the time...


Learn more about Szigetvár and its surroundings!

Equestrian statue of General Zrínyi Miklós
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár u.
The statue was inaugurated in the inner castle courtyard on 8 September 1968. The statue was created by József Kossuth Prize winner sculptor.
Address: 7936 Szentlászló, Petőfi u. 1.
Visit Szentlászló where the country’s first Cornhusk Museum opened its gates in 2006. The collection consists of approx. 250 pieces. The village also...
Address: 7922 Patapoklosi, Rákóczi u.50.
In Patapoklosi, you can visit the local church which features the most beautiful coffered ceiling in this region. 
Address: 7932 Almáskeresztúr, Fő u. 53.
Located north of Szigetvár, this tiny settlement can be accessed on Road No. 67, through Mozsgó. Here you will find the Kammerer Mansion, which...