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Szigetvár and its surrounding attractions

Sights, useful places - Sights of Szigetvár

The siege of Szigetvár
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár utca
A kastély elrendezése a módosítások ellenére jellemzően a 16. századi vályogvárakat reprezentálja. A négy torony és a falak egy szabálytalan négyzet...
Thermal Spa of Szigetvár
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Tinódi S. u. 1/1
The biggest attraction of Szigetvár - beside its historical background and cultural heritage - is the premium quality medicinal water. In the heart...
Zrínyi tér
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi Tér
On the main square of the historical town, several building remind us to the past. The Lion sculpture stands on the North which was the first...
Turkish House
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Bástya utca 3.
The caravan serail is a unique building in the country. Some say that it was functioning as a school, others  think it was made for catering...
Hungarian- Turkish Friendship Park
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, 67-es út
In 1994 with the initiative and financial support of the Turkish republic, the park was established on the 500th anniversary of Suleiman’s birthday....
The pilgrimage church of Turbék
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Turbék
The Our Lady pilgrimage church towers on the way to the excellent wine provider vineyards of Turbék. It was built as a thanksgiving of a miracle...
Bosnian House, also known as Granary
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Radován tér 14
This is the oldest still inhabited dwelling-house which can be found next to the Szily-house. The renovated, three storey granary was built in the...
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, József Attila u. 9
Nowadays the Vigadó is the prominent arena of the public education of the town, filled with programs by a non-governmental organization.
Franciscan Church and friary
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zárda u.
The franciscan church was sanctified to the honour of a monk, Pápuai Szent Antal. The baroque church was built in 1736 on the place of a late Turkish...
The mosque of Sultan Suleiman’s
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi Vár
The layout of the mosque is a rectangle.  Once, the pulpit also belonged to the apparel. The stone framed, stalactit vaulted prayer room, the so...
Lion sculpture
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi Tér
Istán Gerendai’s sculpture can be seen on the main square of Szigetvár: the Zrínyi square. It was built in 1878 by the contribution of Szigetvár and...
Kossuth Sculpture
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Kossuth tér
In downtown, on the Kossuth square stands István Vanyúr local sculptor’s creature which presents the aged politican Lajos Kossuth -based on one of...
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Deák Ferenc tér
The city center near the park at Deák Ferenc Square, was opened on 20 August 2000, the Orb fountain. The composition is created by carver Vilmos...
Twin Cities Memorial of Szigetvar of 2008.
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Eppingen tér
The Eppingen Square was inaugurated Vanyúr Stephen Castle Island sculptor September 6, 2008 "Monument to the Twin Cities in 2008 Szigetvár 'creation...
Heroes Memorial Cross of Szigetvár
Address: 7900 Szigetvár,
The memorial cross is located on the north side of the castle. A short walk away. The monument maker Szatyor Győző, inaugurated in 1996.
The statue of the poet Miklós Zrínyi "Adriatic Sea in sirénája"
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Szent István ltp. 7.
The sculpture park in front of the city hospital room. Makris Agamemnon maker. Inaugurated in 1996.
Bust of Antal Kapoli
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Mártírok útja 1.
Kapoli Kossuth Prize winner Anthony Shepherd carving statue in front of the City Library. The statue was created by Joseph Rátonyi. It inaugurated in...
The World War II Memorial
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi tér
The memorial was created by István Vanyúr, inaugurated in 1992. The names of the victims placed on the church side boards to read.
The First World War memorial
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi tér
The war killed 125 Szigetvar hero of a monument in honor of the Zrinski Square park in tribute. The memorial was inaugurated in 1923, created Hikisch...
Mark Horvath captains statue
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Horváth Márk tér
Mark Horvath Stancsics in 1556 became the master of the castle. It held for 42 days in the army of Ali Pasha of Buda Kadi over the captaincy. Mark...
Statue of Juranics Lőrinc
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Szabadság u.
Zrinski standard-bearer of the Statue of Liberty and Vörösmarty utca Delta, which has been prepared by Ferenc Trischler, which was delivered on 13...
Bust of historian Istvánffy Miklós
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár u.
Istvánffy Miklós historian, in his work "The history of Hungarians" in the border fortress battles fitting memorial to the heroes set. The modern...
Equestrian statue of General Zrínyi Miklós
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár u.
The statue was inaugurated in the inner castle courtyard on 8 September 1968. The statue was created by József Kossuth Prize winner sculptor.
Miklós Zrínyi military leader
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, József Attila u.
The Vigadó square stone and concrete pedestal 175 centimeters tall bronze statue depicts contemporary Hungarian outfit Zrinyi who shows his left hand...
Statue von St. Rókus
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi tér
Szigetvár city's main square, the church of St. Roch neighborhood of St. Roch fountain, which was inaugurated on 5 October 2002. The statue was...
The statue of the poet Zrínyi Miklós
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Deák Ferenc tér
The statue in the park in the city center, in 1964 the death of the poet's 300th anniversary was inaugurated. The statue was created by János Horvai.
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár u.
The pillar of the inner castle bridge, located on the site of the sortie. 10 September 1966 inaugurated the memorial by architect Ferenc Erdei.
Statue of Tinódi Lantos Sebestyén
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár utca
Tinódi Sebestyén Lantos, poet, composer, bard (1515-1556), until 1541 Bálint Török lute lived as a student in Szigetvár.
Roma Holocaust Memorial
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Deák Ferenc tér
Situated near the Turkish house, which was handed over in 2009.
Millennium statue
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár utca
The Millennium Monument in the park and the monument to the waiting room. István Bencsik and sculptor Sándor Dévényi public works, which were passed...
"Civitas Invicta 'memorial
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Vár utca
Szigetvár's defense and its inhabitants during the Turkish attack in 1566, In honor of the heroic defense of the city and our country's brave and...
Szent Rókus Plébániatemplom, egykoron Ali pasa dzsámija
Address: 7900 Szigetvár, Zrínyi tér 9.
A Szent Rókus Plébániatemplom a Zrínyi tér meghatározó épülete. A templom magja, Ali pasa dzsámija 1589-ben épült. A város törököktől való...